WhatsApp bot launched to keep Azerbaijan's citizens up to date on the latest COVID-19 info

Tapping into Azerbaijan’s tech talent to explore a smart future for water at a time of pandemic

Tapping into the upcycling trend: a new platform launched by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, EU and UNDP to mark World Environment Day 2023 in Azerbaijan

‘In every crisis lies an opportunity’

Solidarity in action!

‘The Centre is closed for now, but our community lives on!’
UNDP launches Ocean Innovation Challenge
UNDP launches a new call to action— Ocean Innovation Challenge (OIC) to accelerate progress on SDG 14 targets. The OIC seeks innovations that are transferable, replicable and scalable. The Challenge grants range from $50,000 to $250,000.

UNDP Today
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In Azerbaijan, UNDP has been working as a trusted partner of the Government and the people for more than 26 years. As part of the UN Country Team, UNDP aims to advance inclusive, sustainable and human-centred development for all people in Azerbaijan.
Take a look at our new release to learn what UNP is all about and what we do in Azerbaijan.
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Putting gender equality at the heart of the business sector in Azerbaijan
This publication aims to increase the private sector’s understanding of the gender dimension and strengthen its capacity to implement women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace and community. It presents a snapshot of the situation for women globally and in Azerbaijan. The brochure presents basic information on the Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), explains the role of the private sector in advancing gender equality and provides guidance on joining and implementing the WEPs. It also contains examples of best practices to inspire companies to become WEPs signatories and actively participate in the WEPs global movement.

UNDP at the heart of climate change action in Azerbaijan
UNDP’s ongoing partnership framework with the State Oil Company of Azerbaijan SOCAR came into effect in 2015, with a firm commitment to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy intensity of SOCAR’s major facilities. This support is delivered through the project ‘Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions’ (NAMA), funded by the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and implemented by UNDP. The project helps SOCAR in the implementation of its Climate Change Mitigation Strategy by promoting and upscaling GHG mitigation measures across three key dimensions: in construction design, transport and associated gas capturing. Take a look at some of the key project milestones that have been achieved during these years.


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Unemployment rate
Women in Azerbaijani Parliament
Land area covered by forest
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